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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
You’ll find an extensive programme of daytime and night-time activities at the hotel, led by our Blue Team entertainment team.
Both amateur and professional cyclists will find all the facilities they need at the H10 Vintage Salou for enjoying the sport during their stay on the Costa Daurada.
Cyclist station: Located at the main entrance of the hotel, it is a video monitored space with individual stands for storing up to 47 bicycles. It has an area for cleaning, as well as tools for repairs and an indicative map of the routes in the area.
Bicycle hire for all ages and needs ($)
Special menus for sports people (advance booking required)
Special laundry service for cyclist groups ($)
Sports massage service ($ / advance booking required)
Specialized guides and packages for cyclists with local routes for all levels ($)
Meeting room for informative talks, work sessions, etc. ($)
Note: bicycles are not permitted in the rooms.
The H10 Vintage Salou is located near the main golf courses of the Costa Daurada. Thanks to special agreements with the majority of these courses, the hotel offers the possibility of booking green fees with special rates and packages.
Table tennis, pool ($), workshops, aquagym, water polo, petanque, rifle shooting, darts, theme parties (July and August) and more.
Our brands
Unique hotels in Spain and European cities.
All-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean: Riviera Maya, Punta Cana and Jamaica.
Exclusive contemporary luxury hotels in Barcelona and Lisbon.