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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
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Panoramic Venezia Terrace

Mar 23, 2023

H10 Hotels has opened its second hotel in Rome, the H10 Palazzo Galla, an exclusive establishment located next to Piazza Venezia, with 82 rooms and magnificent views of the city centre. It is a 4-star superior hotel with an unbeatable location in Rome's historic centre, in the rione of Trevi, a lively neighbourhood that is very close to the city's iconic monuments, such as the Roman Forum, Trajan's Column, Trevi Fountain and the famous Colosseum, making it a great option for exploring the Italian capital. 

Stay Green

Jul 13, 2022

H10 Hotels presents Stay Green, the Sustainability Plan developed by the company, as a result of its commitment to the environment and society, in order to drive and promote responsible tourism in all its locations. Stay Green represents the sustainable philosophy of H10 Hotels that permeates all its activity from its origins, guided by the company's sensitivity, commitment and responsibility to care for and preserve the environment.

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