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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
Sorry, we don't recognise the hotel or destination you have indicated. You can see the list of hotels and destinations by clicking on the icon on the right.
The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
With Daisy Club, kids and teenagers will enjoy their holidays to the max. Exclusive spaces with a complete entertainment programme designed for each age range.
Day and night activities for kids between 4 and 12 years old:
Children park
6 Nintendo Wii stations
Table games
Table football
Air Hockey
Ballroom opened up to 01 a.m.
Bar with non-alcoholic drinks
Day and night activities for teenagers up to 17 years old:
6 Nintendo Wii stations
Table games
Table football
Air Hockey
Ballroom opened up to 01 a.m.
Bar with non-alcoholic drinks
Our brands
Unique hotels in Spain and European cities.
All-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean: Riviera Maya, Punta Cana and Jamaica.
Exclusive contemporary luxury hotels in Barcelona and Lisbon.