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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
The H10 Suites Lanzarote Gardens offers a full programme of activities for children and teenagers led by our team of professionals and accompanied by our mascot Daisy.
Babyclub (6 months – 2 years)
A crèche service with games and pedagogical activities in a fully conditioned space for the well-being of your little ones, including an outdoor terrace and a playground exclusively for babies.
In addition, at the Front Desk we can provide you with a cot, bathtub with thermometer and a changing mat, potties, child’s toilet seat, child's step, bottle warmer and blender. With the option of requesting fruit and vegetable purées for babies at the Front Desk.
Babysitting service for full days or for hours (on request, with prior reservation and $).
Miniclub (3 – 5 years)
Games, arts and crafts, psychomotor activities, theme days and activities that promote recycling and ecology, reading, sports, etc. An endless number of activities in our Miniclub house, playground and sports court. We also have a children's library and a Daisy garden. And in the evenings, a Minidisco with dancing for the little ones with our mascot Daisy.
Maxiclub (6 - 8 years)
Playground with zip line, sports court, as well as cooking activities such as cookie and pizza making, theme days and movie nights on the big screen with popcorn.
Juniorclub (9 – 12 years)
Swimming pool games, sports competitions (table tennis, water polo, petanque, football, etc.), olympics, trips to the beach or the aquarium, teamwork games, arts and crafts (clay, papier mâché, etc.), dance activities and language-learning games. In addition, we offer a room for organized PlayStation and Wii competitions as well as big-screen movie nights complete with popcorn. And in the evenings, lots of entertainment on offer with shows and themed parties.
Teenclub (13 - 17 years old)*
An extensive programme of sports, excursions ($), games on the beach and outdoor activities. In addition, we offer a room for organized PlayStation and Wii competitions as well as movie nights complete with popcorn. And in the evenings, exclusive parties with our entertainers in “La Cueva” (area next to the swimming pool), so they can enjoy music and dancing.
*The Teenclub is only open during the school holiday period.
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