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The maximum age defined for children in this hotel/destination is 11 years, please make the necessary changes to your search
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Blue Bay
Show cooking
The hotel’s main restaurant, serving breakfast and dinner. It offers a varied buffet featuring tasty, carefully presented dishes as well as show cooking.
Pleasant à la carte restaurant with lunch service located on an outdoor terrace beside the hotel’s gardens. It features a selection of fresh, Mediterranean-inspired dishes prepared using top-quality produce.
Terrace located on the eighth floor with impressive views of the ocean and port of Los Cristianos. This is the perfect spot for enjoying Tenerife’s amazing sunsets. It features concerts in the evening and bar service.
Our brands
Unique hotels in Spain and European cities.
All-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean: Riviera Maya, Punta Cana and Jamaica.
Exclusive contemporary luxury hotels in Barcelona and Lisbon.